Marriage Groups

The purpose of our marriage groups is to build and strengthen marriages among the participants based on the teachings found throughout Scripture. The material is based on the book and marriage seminar “Love and Respect” by Dr and Pastor Emerson Eggerichs. Each session consists of watching a DVD video from the seminar, followed by discussion based on the workbook material.

Ephesians 5:33 teaches: “However, each of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” The sessions explore and go into depth how to practically respond to this teaching as well as other teachings throughout Scripture.

The lessons help participants realize how different men and women are when it comes to perspective, thinking, and response in everyday situations. These differences if not understood can lead to frustration, anger, or arguments. It is a goal that understanding these differences and responding appropriately will help couples to not react negatively to each other when these differences pop up, how to motivate each other, and how to reflect godly character.

Eventually, couples learn that although they are different, together in marriage, they reflect the attributes of Christ, more so than individually.